Experimental Physics and Quantum Optics X-Ray

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Surname, First name Title Responsibility
Ahsan, Md Sabbir M.Sc.  Master thesis: Experimental Setup of High Harmonic Generation Based Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (HHG-ARPES) and Test Measurement on Tungsten (W) [110] Surface
Apfelbeck, Fabian B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: Photoelektronenspektroskopie mittels XUV-Attosekunden-Pulszügen
Aquila, Andrew Ph.D.  Scientific assistant
Bian, Huanglei B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: Characterization of a Nonlinear- Photoelectron Emission Microscope with Single-Shot Carrier-Envelope Phase Tagging
Chew, Soo Hoon Dr.  PhD thesis on: Probing ultrafast dynamics of surface plasmons in the sub-femtosecond time regime
Dehde, Robin B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: FDTD Simulation of a Rectangular Subwavelength Nanohole Array
Diete-Wendl, Volker B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: Second Harmonic Generation of femtosecond oscillator pulses
Duschner, Benjamin M.Sc.  Master thesis: The Development, Fabrication and Characterization of Gold Nanohole Arrays for Ultrafast EOT Experiments
Freitag, Marvin B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: Optimierte Fabrikation von EUV Zonenplatten für HHG Rastermikroskopie
Guggenmos, Alexander Dr.  PhD thesis: Multilayer Mirrors for Attosecond Pulses in the Water Window Spectral Range
Hofstetter, Michael Dr.  PhD thesis: Multilayer Mirrors for Attosecond Pulse Shaping between 30 and 200 eV
Kestler, Matthias B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: Optical fs-Pump-Probe Spectroscopy on
hexagonal Nanohole Gratings
Klessinger, Marco B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: Automatisierung und Kalibrierung einer Verzögerungseinheit für zeitaufgelöste Experimente mit Attosekundenauflösung.
Kranjec, Mihael Dipl. Phys.  Diploma thesis: Erzeugung und Charakterisierung einer Hohen Harmonischen Quelle zur zeitaufgelösten Photoelektronen-Emissionsspektroskopie
Kronmüller, David B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: Fabrikation und Charakterisierung von Ag-Nanostrukturen für plasmonische Feldüberhöhung
Müller, Sebastian B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: Zeitaufgelöste Photoelektronenspektroskopie mit Attosekundenpulszügen an einem Wolfram (110) Einkristall
Muschet, Alexander B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: Characterisation and calibration of a delay stage for subfemtosecond time resolved measurements
Mutz, Niklas B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: Messung und Manipulation der Polarisation höherer harmonischer Strahlung nach Erzeugung in einem Edelgas
Nobis, Sebastian M.Sc.  Master thesis: Characterization of Tungsten-Nanotips for Femtosecond Photoemission Experiments

Bachelor thesis: Imaging and characterization of silver plasmonic nanostructures by two photon photoelectron emission microscopy
Pan, Huaihai M.Sc.  PhD topic: Partial multilevel zone plates with high spatiotemporal resolution for coherent attosecond XUV pulses
Pearce, Kellie B.Sc.  PhD thesis on: Investigating propagation dynamics of surface plasmon polaritons using time-resolved PEEM
Radünz, Stefan M.Sc.  Master thesis: Ion Beam Polishing for Multilayer Mirrors between 188 and 300 eV of Photon Energy

Bachelor thesis: Setup of a non-­linear Photoelectron Emission Microscope with single-­shot carrier-­envelope phase tagging
Rauhut, Roman M.Sc.  Master thesis: Development and Optimization of Cr/Sc Multilayer Mirrors with Ion Beam Deposition

Bachelor thesis: Ionenstrahldeposition und Charakterisierung von Cr/Sc Multilayerspiegeln für den Photonenenergiebereich von 300-400 eV
Reiser, Daniel B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: Setup and operation of a thermal UHV electron-beam evaporator for the deposition of thin plasmonic silver films
Richter, Florian M.Sc.  Master thesis: Setup and Characterization of a Table-top STXM/CDI microscope

Bachelor thesis: Development and fabrication of circular plasmonic nanolenses by electron beam lithography
Röttger, Clemens B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: Development of plasmonic nanostructures and transmissive Fresnel zone plates on Si3N4 membranes using electron-beam lithography and lift-off
Schmidt, Jürgen Dr.  PhD thesis: Development of an advanced 10 kHz high harmonic source and its application to angle- and phase-resolved photoelectron streaking spectroscopy
Schuknecht, Francis B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: Characterisation of Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Ion Beam Polished Waveguides via Photoemission Electron Microscopy
Späth, Christian Dipl. Phys.  Nanolithography and Microscopy
Spreen, Anika M.Sc.  Master thesis: A Comparison of different Approaches to fabricate EUV Zone Plates for HHG Scanning Microscopy

Bachelor thesis: Herstellung von plasmonischen Nanostrukturen und Zonenplatten mittels Elektronenstrahllithografie
Stanislawski, Michael B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: Generation and characterization of attosecond pulse trains
Tan, Jeryl B.Sc.  Student assistant: PEEM
Weinmann, Rene B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: Simulation and setup of a HHG beam uncoupling for a Scanning X-Ray Microscope
Wendl, Maximilian B.Sc.  Bachelor thesis: First steps towards time-resolved characterization of transmission through metallic nanohole arrays using ultrashort
laser pulses
Zou, Junwen M.Sc.  Master thesis: Phase-tagged electron dynamics on attosecond timescale